RoboTx.Api Namespace

The RoboTx.Api namespace contains classes for the Robo-Tx API that interacts with the Robo-Tx firmware deployed to an Arduino.


Analog Configures and reports analog inputs via Arduino pins A0 to A7.
AnalogInput Represents the value of a given analog input.
ColourSensor Reports RGB and HSL values detected using TCS34725 I2C sensor. HSL values may give better results when detecting colours. For each colour to detect, obtain reference values with the sensor close to the object, and with the sensor further away. Compare readings against the range of reference values to identify the colour.
ConnectionState Informs the connected state of the computer with the Arduino.
Digital Configures and reports digital inputs via Arduino pins defined in the firmware profile. By default the input pins are A0 to A4, but can be overridden for a specific profile using firmware macro DIGITAL_INPUT_PINS. Digital inputs are identified by their index position. I.e. index 0 by default corresponds to A0, index 1 to A1 etc.
DigitalInput Represents the value of a given digital input.
DisplayLcd Writes text to a 16x2 or 16x4 I2C LCD display.
DisplayLed Writes a string to a 4 digit 7 segment LED display. The Arduino pins assigned for the display are configured in the firmware settings.
Input Input constants representing the pressing, holding and releasing of buttons, or triggering of contacts on Arduino pins defined in the firmware.
Motor Controls speed, acceleration, duration and direction of a motor. The Arduino pins assigned for motors are configured in the firmware settings.
MotorConfig Configuration options for DC motors.
PulseCounter Configures and calculates period of input pulses on Arduino pin A2.
RobotIO The main class through which input and output operations are performed with devices and components connected to the Arduino.
Servo Configures the range and the position setting of a servo motor. The Arduino pins assigned for servo motors are configured in the firmware settings.
ServoConfig Configuration options for servo motors.
ServoRange Maintains the range settings for a servo.
Sonar Uses sonar to calculate distance by sending a ping and measuring the time lapsed before receiving the echo. The maximum distance that can be measured is 165 Centimetres. Sonar works best to detect objects with hard surfaces that reflect sound well. The sonar sensor may detect a closer object off to the side instead of a farther object straight ahead. The Arduino pins assigned for the sonar module are configured in the firmware settings.
Switch Sets a digital output to on or off. The Arduino digital pin and values that represent on and off are configured in the firmware settings.
TCS34725 Symbolic labels for sensor configuration settings.
Trigger A digital trigger for repeating pulse cycle patterns. Use for an audio or visual alert (e.g. active beeper) using repeating cycle patterns. The Arduino digital pin and values that represent on and off are configured in the firmware settings.


HSLColour Represents colour as Hue, Saturation and Lightness values.
IrCommand Represents IR Command received by the IR remote sensor.
RGBColour Represents colour as Red, Green, Blue and Clear values.


AnalogConverter Analog input converter