Motor Class
Controls speed, acceleration, duration and direction of a motor.
The Arduino pins assigned for motors are configured in the firmware settings.
Namespace: RoboTx.ApiAssembly: RoboTx.Api (in RoboTx.Api.dll) Version: 1.0.0
public sealed class Motor
Public NotInheritable Class Motor
type Motor = class end
- Inheritance
- Object Motor
Drive(Int32) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse).
Drive(Single) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse).
DriveForDuration(Int32, Single) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse) for a specified duration.
DriveForDuration(Single, Single) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse) for a specified duration.
DriveNoAccel(Int32) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse) and overrides any previously set acceleration.
DriveNoAccel(Single) |
Drives the motor at a percentage of its maximum speed (either forward or reverse) and overrides any previously set acceleration.
SetAcceleration |
Configures motor acceleration by specifying the time (in seconds) it takes to reach maximum speed from stationary position.
StopAccelerating |
If motor is accelerating, holds the motor at the current speed.